
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Watching Robocop 3 Again

I was planning to write about Shaquile O'neal's transfer to Cleveland Cavaliers for my blog entry for this weekend but it just so happened that last night I got tuned in to TV 5's 5Max Movie Featuring Robocop 3, so I have decided to just write I little review about the film. I'm sure you will wonder why I am writing a review of an old film while there are lots of new movies out in the cinema to watch and review, It's simply because I am a Robocop fanatic, this half man-half robot crimefighter was my childhood hero. And another reason is because when this movie was shown I was just a little boy who just enjoyed watching it because of my fascinations to robots and sci-fi films, it was just last night that I understand the story and it's depth as a film and it was amazing.

The special effects of Robocop 3 were'nt as high-tech as what we have in new sci-fi films in this generation but it was still fascinating. The story the film is very simple too, there was this mad man who wants to take over the Corporation called the OCP, which was the inventor of Robocop. That mad man had a agreement with a Japanese Company to clear and evict squatters from a small town for a development project, and in return, the Japanese guy sent a robot of his own to help OCP destroy Robocop. But the squatters resisted and form a rebellion to fight for their homes and Robocop who was programmed to protect the innocent and uphold the law symphatized with them and became the rebel's comrad.

There are lots of incredible scenes in Robocop 3 and here are the few:

1. One of the best conflicts in the film was Robocop's memory recall of his past as Officer Alex Murphy and how he lived happily with his wife and child before the tragedy that lead to his transformation from a human to a robot.

2. Another great scene was when all the police officers took off their badges and walked out of their jobs after the Chief of Police resisted OCP's order to drive the squatters away., the police later joined the rebels to fight against OCP.

3. Robocop came to the aide of the rebels flying with his prototype suite with jet boosters, and wiped out the army of OCP.

4. Robocop escaped form the exploding OCP building with his friend scientist and little girl. This scene was totally remarkable and had me at the edge of my seat.

5. The death of Alex Murphy's long-time partner after being shot by the OCP army, and at her dying moment she asked a promise from Robocop to get revenge for her, and that promise became Alex Murphy's motivation to destroy the real enemies.

6. The evil Japanese guy who wants to evict the squatters bow down to Alex Murphy to show his respect to to give up his plan of driving the people away from their homes.

There are a lot more great scenes in the movie but I just named a few. Robocop 3 is one of the best movie I have ever scene, and I just hope that they do a revival movie and if they do, I'm sure that it will be a lot better because of the new technology we have at this modern age.

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