
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Survivor Philippines Celebrity Showdown Recap

The first week of Survivor Philippines Celebrity Showdown has been exciting and amazing so far. Here are some of the most exciting scenes that had happened this past week.

Episode 1:

Day 1 has begun, the 18 Celebrity Castaways was taken to the island where they have to outdone the forces of nature and each other for 39 days. As a symbolic start, all their belongings was set in fire and head to the island with nothing but the clothes they are wearing. And just as Day 1 has started, the Castaways were welcomed by their very first challenge, the Castaways has to enter a mangrove forest and find two pieces of woods which contains their names, and there was some confusion at the early going of the challenge. Those name tags was supposed to be trail signs which they had to follow to get to their campsites but some Castaways grabbed their name tags immediately thinking that it was a race in finding their name tags, Ian Batherson also dropped his name tag so the others had to stay to help him find it. In the end, Doc Ferdz found Ian's name tag and the Castaways finally finished the trail and went ahead to their camp site.

Episode 2:

The Castaways started building their shelter, and intrigues started to rise in Day 1. Doc Ferdz mention some Castaways who were contributing nothing but after the shelter was done they were chit chatting and were lying. Karen Delos Reyes has a reason for that, she knows that they will be divided into tribes so she doesn't have to make first impressions. The Castaways also started to feel how hard the game Survivor Philippines is, at night, they had to sleep sitting because they do not have anything lie on. They also had some difficult time looking for food, they ate crabs and oysters but even that wasn't enough to fill their stomachs.

Episode 3:

The 18 Celebrity Castaways played their very first challenge, and the reward 2 pieces of scrolls. The Castaways had to go through an obstacle with three parts, in the first part they had to go down from a rope and proceed to a pool of mud and find three rings which is either red or yellow and proceed to the poles and shoot those three rings, the Castaway who who finishes shooting three rings has to run through a flag pole and raise a flag, two Castaways has the opportunity to win and those lucky guys were Buhawi Meneses and Sexbomb Aira. Each of them received two scrolls, Buwi read his scroll which says he will be the tribe leader, while Aira will only reveal what is written on the other scroll untill the first tribal council.

Episode 4:

Castaway Princess Snell backed out from Survivor Philippines and decided to just go back to Manila, hunger was the reason that she was pointing out why she was quitting. With Princess out she looses her opportunity for the P3 Million prize, and the Castaways were down to just 17.

Episode 5:

The most exciting part of all Survivor franchise, the tribal council where each castaways had to vote for the person they think do not anymore needs to stay in the island. But instead of voting off a fellow Castaway to leave the island, Survivor Philippines host Richard Gutierrez had some exciting revelations, Buwi Meneses was named a tribal leader after winning the first challenge and received his arm band that symbolizes his leadership, and Sexbomb Aira read what was written inside her scroll, it says that since she was the second placer to the challenge, she will also be a tribe leader. And it was later revealed that all 17 remaining Castaways will have to vote for a third tribe leader. It was a stiff battle between Doc Ferdz and John Hall for the third leader position but it was John Hall who emerged as the third tribe leader. But there were some signs of insecurity in the eyes of Doc Ferdz after loosing I swear I can see it. The night didn't end their, Richard Gutierrez announced that they will turn the first tribal council to an exciting one. Maybe the 17 Castaways will be divided into three tribes instead of the usual two. We will have to tune in next week to find out the exciting conclusion.

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