
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mico Aytona Leaves the Island, Another One Leaves on Monday

Mico Aytona is the sixth castaway who was voted out last Friday on Survivor Philippines Celebrity Showdown. Last Friday wasn't just any ordinary Tribal Council, the Sar Mayee Tribe was present to witness it all. It was a part of Sar Mayee's reward to be at Nagar's Tribal Council where they can study and review Nagar's strategies, strengths and weakness as a team.
Just before the Nagar Tribe were asked to vote, the host Richard Gutierrez asked each castaways about alliances, whom they could trust and those who they think have the tendency to do a betrayal. Mico boasted the solidarity of his alliance with Solenn, being tribe members of the disbanded Magan Tribe, Mico thought that he could trust Solenn all the way but a shocking turn of event took place as Solenn voted for Mico. Solenn told as she showed Mico's name written on her scroll that she was so sorry for her actions and the reason for that betrayal was because she heard that Mico will be voting for her which didn't happened because Mico voted for Ian. Mico was blindsided, and Solenn voted of Mico who has been her solid ally since the start of the game.

Before the voting started, Richard Gutierrez asked Moi and Aira whether they want to use their immunity bracelets, both girls declined. But after Mico was voted off Richard announced that the Nagar Tribe will vote off another castaway because it's a double elimination Tribal Council which will conclude on Monday. Aira got two votes on the first voting and she could have done the biggest mistake of her life in the island if she got voted off because she refused to use the immunity bracelet, maybe on the second voting she will use it knowing that she is not safe after getting that two votes. I noticed that every castaway who owns the immunity bracelets the likes of Jon, Aubrey, Moi and Aira doesn't want to use their immunity bracelets, what's the purpose of keeping that? I mean aren't they thinking that if they don't use that now there may never be another chance to use  just like Aira almost did? Unless they are a 100% sure that there tribe mates are after their head in any tribal council.

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