
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mundo Mo'y Akin Finale - Reviews and Analysis

GMA-7 primetime soap Mundo Mo'y Akin ended last Friday. Honestly I didn't really liked that soap right from the start, the entire script and storyline was so old school, it's like the combination of Mara Clara and Bakekang. And I also have to mention the lackluster acting and boring aura of Louise Delos Reyes. But as I tuned in to last Friday's finale, I found some bright side on the character's resolution which I think gave justice to it's finale episode tagline "The Beautiful Ending".

Perlita(Sunshine Dizon) - the death of her character was a surprise, I was expecting that in the end she will finally be happy with her family and be free from all the sufferings and maltreatment she received since she was young due to her not so pretty physical features. But despite that painfull fate, her death made the characters realize their mistakes and decide to change for the better.
Giselle Carbonel/Rodorah(Angelika Dela Cruz) - Due to the accident, her face got burned and once again went back to being ugly, but this unlike her painfull past, she was not rejected. She was accepted by her family and her husband Ziggy(Gabby Eigenmann) whose character was known for being a playboy and crazy about beautiful girls. She finally got the love she ever dreamed, and she also finally realized the mistakes and rudeness she commited to Darlene(Lauren Young) who grew up as her daughter.
Donya Charito Carbonel(Ms.Jacklyn Jose) - Unlike the fairy tales where the wicked witch usually dies or gets to be punished from their being despicable, Donya Charito turned to the good side, she humbled herself and apologized to the people she mistreated particularly Perlita and Aida(Jolina Magdangal). But she had to loose everything before she learned.
Ziggy Carbonel(Gabby Eigenmann) - a playboy, a mama's boy. But finally became a good family man who stood up and face all responsibilities without the wealth of her mom. But to be honest, why do I had this feeling that his character needed more emphasis?
Aida Carbonel(Jolina Magdangal) - Her character wasn't so significant in the finale, I expected that she will do something big in the end as a resolution for being the perpetrator of all the mess when she conspired with Giselle to switch the two babies. If only Jolina Magdangal didn't went under a sensitive pregnancy maybe Aida's fate in the story wasn't that dull.
Jerome(Alden Richards) - I salute his martyrdome for love, it is very rare to find a man who doesn't consider the physical look of a girl and would you believe that he was going crazy about Marilyn eventhough she looks like a monkey. I'm not being sarcastic when I say that, I just don't know how to address it. But I do believe that being beautiful or ugly doen't matter. I just thouht that Alden as Jerome should have been given some strong push being the soap's leading man.
Darlene Carbonel(Lauren Young) - eventhough she lost everything after she was evicted from the Carbonel's clan, that didn't stopped her from being the wicked princess. She wanted more and was eager to get revenge from Marilyn whom she believed stoled everything from her. But whe she lost her nanay Perlita, that gave the twist to her character. She realized her mistakes and admitted that she got driven by greed and jelousy and asked for forgiveness. Actually, I was more interested about how Lauren Young's character than Louise's. Her character as Darlene was colorful and it's that kind that you want to toy in your mind and think about what the outcome would be.
Marilyn Carbonel(Louise Delos Reyes) - this is the hardest part about this article. I'll just put it this way, she is the lead star and expect that she will have the happy ending.
And to wrap up everything, I love it that unlike all other soap, it did not ended up with "and they lived happily ever after". Louise and Alden had to part ways and find some space. That made it "The Beautiful Ending".
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