
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

5 Things I've learned From The Pacquiao-Bradley Fight

It's been days after the world witnessed the grueling boxing match between Manny Pacquiao and Timothy Bradley but everyone is still talking about it, and why not? The match ended in controversy after Timothy Bradley won via split decision and took Manny Pacquiao's WBO World Welterweight Title. And a lot of Manny Pacquiao fans particularly from the Philippines couldn't move on from the lost of their hero.

So before this post get any farther, I have listed some few things I've learned from the Pacquiao-Bradley fight.

1. Timothy Bradley is not a dope. Since Top Rank Promoter Bob Arum announced the name Timothy Bradley to Manny Pacquiao's next opponent, fans, expectators, and boxing experts predicted that this match will not go the distance. Many believed that this match will be an easy one for Manny Pacquiao and will be over via knockout in the early rounds. But when the match finally took place, things turned a bit different. Timothy Bradley showed aggressiveness and just when everybody thought that Bradley was getting weak in the 5th round, the guy found a bit of extra and defeated Manny Pacquiao. And just like what a popular Bee Gees says, many were treating Timothy Bradley as a joke but I guess that the joke was on them.

2. Manny Pacquiao no longer has it. During the Pacquiao-Bradley fight, I'm sure that many have witnessed that Pacquiao was a bit slower that usual. If you followed Manny Pacquiao's career since day 1, you know that he was known for his speed, relentless in throwing punches and his knock out punch, unfortunately, he didn't show those things in the match against Bradley. It could be the age that was slowing him down, or the leg cramp that he has been suffering before the match or could it be the rumors that Manny was just sad because his match with Bradley was the same day that his favorite NBA team Boston Celtics lost to the Miami Heat in the NBA Eastern Conference Finals, or could it be that Manny Pacquiao's advocacy to study the word of GOD is stopping him to do a lot of hurting to Bradley? we never know. But all I know is, Manny Pacquiao during that match wasn't the same Manny Pacquiao we've seen all through the years, he lost the speed and the knock out punch that he was associated to.

3. The Philippines is home for natural born boxing analysts. They say that the Philippines is home for talented boxers, but not only that, it is also home for great boxing experts and analyst. And why did I said that? Because immediately after Manny Pacquiao lost, a lot of comments about the match came out saying that Pacquiao was cheated. People were saying Pacquiao should have won because he landed more punches that Bradley and the most ridiculous thing I've heard was that the fellow congressmen of Manny Pacquiao would like to pass a resolution to ask the Las Vegas Sports committee to sanction the two judges who went in favor of Timothy Bradley. But the truth is, all of us are just fans and expectators who watched the match. Judging a boxing match is not like a basketball game which has slomos and instant replays and those punches statistics does not matter in the actual judging of the match, do you expect those three judges to count every punches that were being thrown and landed? Judges just rely on what they see during the match and would give the score to the fighter whom they think did much in every round. We could never really tell what happened because we were never there, so if the results were cheated or not, we will never know.

4. No Pacquiao-Mayweather Match anytime soon. Since Manny Pacquiao has a rematch clause against Timothy Bradley which I believe is scheduled in November, we are still left hanging whether were gonna see Manny Pacquiao finally shuts that loud mouthed Floyd Mayweather JR. But I think Floyd Mayweather built some sort of confidence after witnessing Pacquiao's lost and he maybe considering to fight Manny after the rematch against Bradley. Keep your fingers crossed.

5. Nothing lasts forever. Manny Pacquiao was undefeated for seven years dating back from 2005, and just as everybody thought that he would extend that streak, he failed. Nothing last forever indeed, but after the lost with Bradley, cheated or not, we should move on. And as a champion Manny should pick up the pieces and fight another day.

1 comment:

  1. Ha? Fact is nobody knows who Bradley was unless your a die hard for boxing or those 29 jerks he beat before Manny, I hope you watch the match and tell the people what round he dominated Manny, or even the close rounds, Yes Manny seemed to lost his strenght in the last 3 rounds but did Bradley hit him that hard to take the round? Yes nothing last forever but for someone to lose in that way is unacceptable. I hope you also read sports blog Yahoo sports, Bleacherreport, The Ring cause they all had the same opinion that Bradley's victory is a fluke, and Manny was robbed.
