
Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Absolute Opinion About The Pacquiao-Bradley Fight

I received a comment from a co league yesterday regarding my article 5 Things I've Learned From The Pacquiao-Bradley Fight. The comment says:

Ha? Fact is nobody knows who Bradley was unless your a die hard for boxing or those 29 jerks he beat before Manny, I hope you watch the match and tell the people what round he dominated Manny, or even the close rounds, Yes Manny seemed to lost his strenght in the last 3 rounds but did Bradley hit him that hard to take the round? Yes nothing last forever but for someone to lose in that way is unacceptable. I hope you also read sports blog Yahoo sports, Bleacherreport, The Ring cause they all had the same opinion that Bradley's victory is a fluke, and Manny was robbed.

And I think that posting this article is a better way to answer. My fellow blogger got a point that only a die hard boxing fan knows who the heck is Timothy Bradley, I don't know him too until Top Rank Promoter Bob Arum named him as Manny Pacquiao's next opponent. And if nobody knows those 29 fighters that Bradley knocked out all through his entire career, neither do I and I don't care about them too.

Yes I did watched the match from round 1 up to the finish. Timothy Bradley dominated Manny Pacquiao in rounds 2,7,10,11,and 12 no doubt about that, even the judge Jerry Roth who gave the score 115-113 in favor of Pacquiao gave those rounds to Bradley.

And did I ever read sports blogs and websites? Yes, I've read a lot of them and they sure though says the same thing. Bradley's win was a fluke, Manny was robbed, the judges were sellouts and a whole lot more. But that does not mean that just because they are saying the same things I'm gonna join the bandwagon too. I watched the match myself, every single round and analyzed the movements of both fighters so I can present my own thoughts.

I do not not say that the way Manny lost the title was acceptable, I'm a Filipino too and I support our pride. My point is this: A lot of people says that there is absolutely no way Timothy Bradley could have defeated Manny because as many have said, nobody know the name Timothy Bradley unless they are a hardcore boxing fan, he maybe undefeated but those names in his hit list are bunch of nobodies too. But if that's the case, how come Manny Pacquiao couldn't knock him off? And if Timothy Bradley was really that worst as a fighter, how come that he lasted 12 rounds against a Manny Pacquiao who was known for his speed and knock out punches.

In that fight, Manny gave everything he got, Bradley was hurt and he wobbled, that could have been a chance to knock him out but how did he ever survived standing on his own power and was even able to pose after he was announced as the winner? And in the final rounds of the match, Manny was chasing Bradley attempting to score a knock out but he was just out of breath and you could here the crowds booing due to the lack of action seen in the concluding rounds. Two things could have caused that scenario, it's either Timothy Bradley was really strong, but I'm not buying that reason because even though he won against Manny, he will always be a "tomato can". And the other reason which I agree with, Manny Pacquiao was not the same as he was 10 years ago. Age, ring rust, and injuries are affecting his performance causing him to slow down. Fans could hate me or just accuse me of anything by saying this, but it was my observations. As much as I want to believe that he was cheated and robbed, I cannot because there are other factors involved  in this controversy, and the only way to clear those is when Manny Pacquiao defeats Timothy Bradley in their rematch sometime this November and I will be watching.

And as for my fellow blogger, I hope I was able to make my thoughts clear, I'm sorry if this is how I see things about the controversial fight, but I have to write what I saw regardless of popular opinion.

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