
Friday, January 23, 2015

Daredevil Meets Another Man Without Fear

Storytellers: Mark Waid & Chris Samnee
Colorist: Matthew Wilson
Letterer:VC's Caramagna
Cover: Samnee & Wilson

Now that Daredevil's secret identity Matthew Murdock has been revealed, his old and new enemies are now out to get a piece of him, including this guy The Stunt Master who was so popular for his death defying motorcycle stunts.

Matthew Murdock as a lawyer has been busy as of late providing legal services to his friend George Smith the original Stunt Master who believes that he owns the right for that title and that it was stolen from him.

Meanwhile, Matt Murdock gets involved in another copyright issue after the new Stunt Master also took the nickname "Man Without Fear", also a name where our hero Matt/Daredevil was also known.

The Stunt Master then calls out Daredevil and issues a challenge that would determine who should own the name "Man Without Fear". Just when Matt/Daredevil thought he could care less about accepting  the challenge, the organization involved in stealing the trademark of the Stunt Master fakes the suicide of George Smith to lure the Daredevil.

Daredevil accepted the challenge and discovers shocking secrets about the Stunt Masters amazing motorcycle stunt feat. It is indeed exciting to find out what's gonna happened when The Man Without Fear faces another Man Without Fear.

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