photo source: http://americanidol.com
I wasn't able to see the entire American Idol elimination last week due to power interruptions, but I was lucky enough to see the announcement of who was voted out. It was Chiekezie Ez who exited the contest. Along with him in the bottom Three were Syesha Mercado and Jason Castro. Chiekezie sang "If only for one night". His performance earned critism from judges Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson, and as usual Paula Abdul said she liked it being the nicest among the three judges. And at the end after the announcement, Simon Cowell said the Chiekezie got eliminated because he once again chose the wrong song for him, Simon earlier in that night said Chiekezie's performance is "cheesy" and "has no originality".
And a surprise for me is that Cristy lee Cook is not in the bottom three, she must have did fine that night. Our very own Ramiele Malubay sang "Alone". It was good, she must have finally realized that ballad songs are best for her voice quality.
Next week, another Idol will be eliminated, who would it be? find out next week. Anyway in that previous result night, 30 million viewers voted, they say its the highest, American Idol is really phenomenal.
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