Cheers for all Undertaker Fans as the Phenom of the World Wrestling Entertainment(WWE) captures hi sixth World Championship, not only that the Phenom is still undefeated at WrestleMania, now keeping a remarkable 16-0 record. The Rated R Superstar Edge is the latest addition to his hit list.
The Undertaker entered the ring accompanied by 10 druids carrying torch and flames surrounding the isle. As usual Edge was accompanied by his fiance and Smack Down General Manager Vicky Guerrero, and this time without his two other protegee.
Both the Undertaker and Edge gave a good fight, Edge was able to kick out from Undertaker's signature move, the Tombstone and even The Last Ride. Edge being the ultimate opportunist that he is had a master plan to make sure he wins the match, later in that match his two cahoots came out of the ring and did a number on the Phenom, but still The Undertaker managed to get rid of the two. The Undertaker did not realized that Edge is sneaking around to get a Spear and Edge was successful on hitting it, but the Undertaker kicked out after a two count, Edge hit another spear and puts The phenom down. As the Rated R Superstar attempts a pin The Dead Man was able to lock his deadly Choke Hold, leaving Edge no option but to tap out. And that does it, The Legendary Undertaker wins the match bagging the World Heavyweight Championship and retaining his unpinned streak at WrestleMania.
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